Anaerobic biorefinery for resource recovery from waste feedstock
WasteValue is focus on circular economy and resource recovery challenge by deploying integrated bioprocessing to recover the organic fraction and nutrients from organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), food waste and fish sludge in order to make maximal use of these wastes as residues. These fractions will be used to formulate a substitute for A-1 jet fuel, natural gas and agriculture fertilizer.
The primary objective:
To explore and develop an innovative biorefinery scheme for the production of high-performance biofuels and a high-quality fertilizer variety of waste streams, thereby offering novel, research-based means of mitigating climate change and supporting the transition to a future sustainable bioeconomy.
The secondary objectives:
- Optimizing the low-temperature pre-treatment along with enzymatic hydrolysis of organic waste.
- Maximizing OFMSW and food waste conversion to C6-C8 carboxylic acids.
- Developing a cost-effective method for C6-C8 recovery and upgrading them to biojet fuels.
- Developing an optimized system for obtaining enriched biogas through biomethanation.
- Enriching the biorefinery’s effluent to achieve a highly valuable fertilizer.
- Integration and evaluation of the integrated biorefinery in terms of cost-efficiency.
- Performing an environmental sustainability analysis.
Project WasteValue (NOR/POLNOR/WasteValue/0002/2019-00) is financed by Programme «Applied research» under the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014 – 2021/POLNOR 2019.
Thematic areas: Food and natural resources
Project duration: 01.12.2020 to 30.11.2023
Project budget: 1 568 201.71 EUR
Project promotor: Poznań University of Technology
- Gdańsk University of Technology
- Silesian University of Technology
- Aquateam COWI AS
- A&A Biotechnology s.c.
- Prochimia Surfaces sp. z o.o
Project website: WasteValue (