Dr. ing. VAR-teknikk, Institutt for land- og vannressurser, KTH, Stockholm, 2007
M.Sc. kjemi, Kjemisk Fakultet, Gdansk Teknisk Universitet, Polen, 2001
Beata Szatkowska kan nås på telefon +48506516424 og e-post: dot-eko@dot-eko.pl
Prosjektkoordinator og Aquateams representant i Polen
Beata er ansvarlig for Aquateams aktivitet i Polen. Hun ble med i Aquateam i 2009, og hun er prosjektkoordinator og Aquateams representant i Polen med hovedfokus på kloakkslam og organisk avfall. Hun har jobbet med Anammox, en biologisk prosess for nitrogenfjerning.
Hennes erfaring med laboratoriearbeid omfatter blant annet kjemiske analyser av vann og avløpsvann, laboratorie- og tekniskskala pilotanlegg, samt etablering av prosjekter og samarbeidskonstellasjoner.
Hun kan håndtere miljøspørsmål tverrfaglig, både fra ingeniørens, bedriftens, rådgiverens og forvaltningens ståsted.
Sahu, A. K., Szatkowska, B., Rathnaweera, S., and Rusten B. (2017). Enhanced filtration with rotating belt fine mesh sieves for higher methane potential from primary wastewater sludge. In Proceedings of the “IWA Specialist Conference On Sludge Managem, SludgeTech 2017”. London 9-13 July, 2017.
Szatkowska, B., Jaroszyński Ł., Paulsrud, B., Oleśkowicz-Popiel, P., Jankowska, E. (2016). Increased biogas production by organic coagulants for improved primary sludge production. In Proceedings of the “The 13th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies”, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 13-16 June,2016
Szatkowska, B., Paulsrud, B. (2015). Mapping and characterization of organic wastes for anaerobic digestion in the Polish Pomeranian region. In Proceedings of the “International symposium on waste management and landfill”, Sardinia, Italy, 5-9 October, 2015.
Szatkowska, B. and Paulsrud, B. (2014). The Anammox process for nitrogen removal from wastewater – achievements and future challenges. Vann (2) 2014, 186-194.
Szatkowska B., Paulsrud, B. and. Tonderski A. (2014). Evaluation of organic waste potential in the Pomeranian region. In Proceedings of the South Baltic Gas Forum, Gdańsk, Poland, 11-12 September, 2014.
Oleskowicz-Popiel, P., Jankowska,. E., Jaroszynski, L., Jaroszynski, T., Sozanski, M.M., Cema G., Surmacz-Górska, J., Szatkowska, B., Paulsrud, B., Tuszynska, A., Gajewska,, M., Wojciechowska, E., Zaborowska, E., Czerwionka, K., Obarska-
Pempkowiak, H., Makinia J. (2014).Integrated technology for improved energy balance and reduced greenhouse gas emissions at WWTPs. IWA International ecoSTP 2014, Conference 23-25 June 2014, Verona, Italy.
Paulsrud, B. and Szatkowska, B.: Thermophilic anaerobic digestion for increased biogas production. In Proceedings of the South Baltic Gas Forum, Gdańsk, Poland, 5-8 September, 2011.
Szatkowska, B, Paulsrud B., Cema, G. (2011). Sewage sludge – the comparison of Norwegian and Polish experiences. In: Proceedings of the “International Conference (Bio)Technologies&UE-FP7 Environment Brokerage Event”, Gdańsk 5-8, September, 2011.