Ph.D. innen fornybar energi, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
M.Sc. miljøteknologi, De Montfort University (UK) og Aalborg Universitet (DK).
Maria Estevez kan kontaktes på telefon +47 45019601
Maria Estevez er kjemiingeniør med 10 år erfaring innen miljøkjemi og biogassprosess.
Hun begynte å jobbe hos Aquateam COWI i mai 2014. Før dette var Estevez ansatt som forsker ved NMBU fra 2009 og siden som post-doktor forsker ved Bioforsk (i dag NIBIO), Jord og miljø fra 2013. Før hun flyttet til Norge, utførte hun forskning i Danmark, gjennom Aalborg Universitet, på danske sentraliserte biogassanlegg, og har også erfaring fra arbeid i Uruguay som miljøkjemiker i vann-og avløpsvannsområder.
Estevez har en spesialisering innen anaerob nedbrytingsprosesser og prosessoptimalisering, forbehandling av avfallsfraksjoner for biogassproduksjon og samråtning av forskjellige organisk og lignocellulosic biomass fraksjoner. Hun har også erfaring innen forbedring av utråtnet slam (biorest) som gjødsel, kjemi og teknologivitenskap om gjenvinning av næringsstoffer (fosfor, nitrogen og kalium) fra avløpslam eller utråtnet slam.
Eich-Greatorex, S., Vivekanand, V., Estevez, M.M., Schnürer, A., Børrensen, T., Sogn, T.A. (2017) Biogas digestates based on lignin-rich feedstock – Potential as fertilizer and soil amendment. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03650340.2017.1352086. https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/JhESUaZcUUe9IwHUmRmv/full
Estevez, M.M., Blytt, L.D. (2015) Oversikt over teknologier for gjenvinning av fosfor i avløpsrenseanlegg. VANN 2015 nr. 2. https://vannforeningen.no/dokumentarkiv/oversikt-over-teknologier-for-gjenvinning-av-fosfor-i-avlopsrenseanlegg/
Estevez, M.M., Linjordet, R., Horn., S. J., Morken, J. (2014) Improving nutrient fixation and dry matter content of an ammonium-rich anaerobic digestion effluent by struvite formation and clay adsorption.Water Science and Technology 70 (2), 337–344. https://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2014.236. https://wst.iwaponline.com/content/70/2/337
Estevez, M.M., Sapci, Z., Linjordet, R., Morken, J. (2014) Incorporation of fish by-product into the semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of pre-treated lignocellulose and cow manure, with recovery of digestate’s nutrients. Renewable Energy 66, 550-558. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2014.01.001
Estevez, M.M., Sapci, Z., Linjordet, R., Schnürer, A., Morken, J. (2014) Semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of cow manure and steam-exploded Salix with recirculation of liquid digestate. Journal of Environmental Management 136, 9-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.01.028
Estevez, M.M. (2013) Improving the anaerobic digestion of lignocelluloses and organic wastes: effects of steam explosion, co-digestion and digestate recirculation. PhD thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology, Ås, Norway. ISBN: 978-82-575-1138-8, ISSN: 1503-1667.
Estevez, M.M., Linjordet, R., Morken, J. (2012) Effects of Steam Explosion and Co-digestion on the methane production from Salix by mesophilic batch assays. Bioresource Technology 104, 749-756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2011.11.017
Horn, S. J., Estevez, M. M., Nielsen, H. K., Linjordet, R., Eijsink, V. G. H. (2011) Biogas production and saccharification of Salix pre-treated at different steam explosion conditions, Bioresource Technology, Volume 102, pages 7932-7936. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2011.06.042
Arctander Vik, E., Rathnaweera, S.S., Estevez, M.M., Åstebøl, S.O., Frost, K., Eftekhar Dadkhah, M., (2015) Investigating technologies suitable for removal of toxic compounds from tunnel wash-water. Conference proceedings of the 12th Urban Environment Symposium, 1-3 June 2015. NIVA, Oslo, Norway.
Estevez, M.M., Linjordet, R., Morken, J. (2012) Organic loading rate effect on anaerobic digestion: case study on co-digestion of lignocellulosic pre-treated material with cow manure. Conference proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain.
Sapci, Z., Estevez, M.M., Linjordet, R., Morken, J. (2012) Effect of different thermal pre-treatment techniques on biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass: wheat straw and Salix. Conference proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain.
Holm-Nielsen, J.B., Augustine, E., Paarup Meyer, A.C., Hoffmann, J., Nkem Ihunegbo, F., Morken , J., Sapci, Z., Estevez, M.M., Fjørtoft, K. (2012) Optimized biogas production by utilising the primary agriculture products – manure and lignocellulosic crop and crop-byproduct materials. Conference proceedings of the 4th Nordic Biogas Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Estevez, M.M., Linjordet, R., Morken, J. (2011) Biogas optimization by steam explosion of Salix, and recycling of process water from biogas production of Salix and manure. Conference proceedings of the International IWA-Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops, Vienna, Austria.
Blytt, L.D., Estevez, M.M., Tornes, O., Paulsrud, B. 2016: Solutions and costs for public facilities, at PHOSPHORUS A LIMITED RESOURCE – CLOSING THE LOOP, Conference, October 27 – 28. 2016, Malmö, Sweden.
Estevez, M.M., Tornes, O., Paulsrud, B., Blytt, L.D. 2016: Evaluation of technologies for nutrient recovery at Grødaland biogas plant in Rogaland, Norway. Conference: 2nd IWA Conference on Holistic Sludge Management, June 2016, Malmö, Sweden.
Estevez M.M., Paulsrud B., Teknologier for gjenvinning av fosfor fra avløpsvann og slam (Technologies for recovery of phosphorous from waste water and sludge). Norsk Vann seminar, Oslo Gardermoen, October 2014.
Estevez M.M., Effective anaerobic digestion of fish waste, manure and lignocelluloses, with and without digestate recirculation. IV Baltic Biogas Forum, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland, September 2014.
Estevez, M.M., Biogas: Sustainable Bioenergy, Vilnius University, October 2012.
Estevez, M.M., Effects of digestate recirculation in the semi-continuous co-digestion of lignocellulosic pre-treated material with manure, CAMBI Biogas summer seminar, Ås, June 2012.
Estevez, M.M., Biogas optimization by steam explosion of Salix, and recycling of process water from biogas production of Salix and manure. International IWA-Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops, Vienna, Austria, October 2011.