Ph.D. – Kjemisk Fakultet, Gdansk Teknisk Universitet, Polen. 10/1997-5/2002
Ph.D. i Kjemiteknikk
M.Sc. Landbruks Universitetet Szczecin, Havfiskeri og Næringsmiddelteknologi Fakultet, Polen, 1991-1996.
«Prosjektledelse» – Gdansk Teknisk Universitet, Fakultet for Ledelse og Økonomi, 2010
Renata Tomczak-Wandzel kan nås på telefon: +47 48850433 og e-post: retw@aquateam.no
Renata Tomczak-Wandzel begynte å jobbe for Aquateam COWI i januar 2014. Hun har tidligere hatt stilling som professor ved Institutt for fett- og detergentsteknologi ved det Kjemiske Fakultet, Gdansk Teknisk Universitet (2002-2013). I tillegg har Tomczak-Wandzel vært Post-Doc ved KTH Mark og Vannteknikk i Stockholm (2011-2012).
Tomczak-Wandzel har over 20 års erfaring innen behandling av avløpsvann, inkludert fysisk-, kjemisk-, biologisk renseteknologi. Spesielt har hun erfaring fra membranfiltrering av vann og avløpsvann, samt erfaring fra gjenbruk av slam og avfall, intensivering av gjæringsprosesser, nedbryting av slam, anaerob nedbrytning av avfall og avløpsvann fra næringsmiddelindustrien, teknologi for biologisk rensing av avløpsvann med intensivering av nitrogen og fosforfjerning og med energigjenvinning og ressursutnyttelse.
Kamińska, B., Skwierawska, A., Kozłowska-Tylingo, K, Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Pazik, A., Majewska, K. (2017), Advanced oxidation treatment of pentoxifylline in aqueous solutions, Environment Protection Engineering, vol. 43 (1), 31-47.
Fernandes A., Boczkaj G., Głazowska J., Tomczak-Wandzel R., Kamiński M., (2017), Comparison of ozonation and distillation as treatment methods of recycled water for bioethanol fermentation process, Waste Biomass Valorization, DOI 10.1007/s12649-017-9888-y
Eftekhar Dadkhah, M., Vik, E. A., Nilan, M.S., Rathnaweera, S. S., Wandzel, R.T. 2017: Environmental challenges of polymer flooded produced water (PFPW), presented at TEKNAs 14th Produced Water Management Conference, Stavanger, Norway, January 18-19.
Tomczak-Wandzel, R, Piotrowski M., Case study: Pilot treatment of olive mill and metal processing wastewater by ceramic membrane ultrafiltration, presented at Advanced Membrane Technology VII, September 11-16, 2016, Cork, Ireland.
Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Sanches, S., Pilot scale ultrafiltration and nanofiltration treatment of olive mill wastewater, IWA Particle Separation, Advances in particle science and separation: meeting tomorrow’s challenges, 22-24 June 2016, Oslo, Norway.
Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Arctander Vik, E., Wandzel, T., (2015), BAT in fish processing industry. Nordic perspective, Nordic Council of Ministers 201, TemaNord 2015:566, ISSN 0908‐
Dereszewska A., Cytawa S., Tomczak-Wandzel R., Medrzycka K., 2015: The effect of anionic surfactant concentration on activated sludge condition and phosphate release in biological treatment plant, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 24(1), 83-91.
Dereszewska A., Cytawa S., Tomczak-Wandzel R., Medrzycka K., 2015: The effect of anionic surfactant concentration on activated sludge condition and phosphate release in biological treatment plant, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 24(1), 83-91.
Tomczak-Wandzel R., Mędrzycka K., 2013: Preparation, composition and lipid changes of fish silage produced with post-coagulation sludge, Environment Protection Engineering, 13(4), 39-49.
Hallmann, E., Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Mędrzycka, K., (2012): Combined chemical-biological treatment of effluents from soil remediation processes by surfactants solutions flushing, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 9(1), 9-18.
Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Mędrzycka, K., (2009): The properties of fish silage produced with addition of sludge generated in coagulation of fish processing water, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 2, 80-84.
Stasiewicz, M., Mulkiewicz, R., Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Kumirska, J., Siedlecka, E.M., Gołębiowski, M., Stepnowski, P., (2008): Assesing toxicity and biodegradation of novel, environmentally benign liquids (1-alkoxymethyl-3-hydroxypyridinium chloride, saccharinate and acesulfamates) on cellural and molecular level, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 71, 157-165.
Hallmann, E., Tomczak-Wandzel, R., Pastewski, S., Mędrzycka, K., 2008: Oiled soil washing in dynamic conditions by micellar surfactants solutions and obtained effluents treatment, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 17, 231-234.
Tomczak-Wandzel R., 2008: The effect of sludge thermal disintegration on quality of effluents, Pol. J. Environ. Stud., 17, 571-574.