Out of six plants with nitrogen removal in Norway, four plants use the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) process.
In all four cases the MBBR process offered a very compact treatment solution and had both the lowest investment costs and the lowest total annual costs.
These MBBR plants use the combined denitrification process (pre-denitrification + post-denitrification) for nitrogen removal, followed by chemical precipitation for phosphorus removal.
This type of design offers a lot of flexibility and enables the plants to produce very low effluent concentrations.
Years of full-scale experience from these MBBR plants has documented that final effluent concentrations below 3 mg total N/L and 0.3 mg total P/L can be achieved at low wastewater temperatures and at acceptable capital and O & M costs.
Read the full publication:
Rusten B. and Ødegaard H.: Design and Operation of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Plants for Very Low Effluent Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations .